Pastor Felix Calderon | Tercera Iglesia BautistaPastor Felix exhibits strong leadership in his community and his church. His ministerial call is centered on providing the children in his community with the opportunity to rise above their circumstances and become what God has created them to be. His feeding center is helping children that are unchurched learn about the love of Christ.
Pastor Erasmo Espinoza | Iglesia Comunidad CristianaPastor Erasmo ministers in the downtown area of León. His leadership skills and charismatic personality draw local families and youth into his congregation. Pastor Erasmo offers a bilingual service that provides an opportunity for missionaries and other English speakers to worship in his church. His wife, Helen, and two children play leading roles in the churches' ministries. Erasmo's church reaches the community by providing an after-school program, youth activities, consistent evangelistic efforts, and church planting. He has been strengthening the members of his church with discipleship groups and youth services.
Pastor Wilfredo Guererra | Iglesia Luz del Mundo InternacionalPastor Wilfredo shares the love of Christ with intense conviction. "My passion for souls is great." He aims to be an evangelistic preacher so everyone in Nicaragua hears the Gospel message. Once a shy young man, Wilfredo is now a strong leader in his church. He is committed to reaching out to communities, especially youth. They have a Feeding Center that spiritually and physically nourishes 50 children five days each week. Pastor Wilfredo loves to study, speak and teach English. He also has two beautiful children, Adriana and Wilfredo.
Pastor Reynaldo Lopez | Iglesia Luz y VidaPastor Reynaldo and his wife, Nubia, radiate Christ’s love and peace. Through a bold program of evangelism, he is reaching out to communities. Attendance in his rural church averages at 125 adults and children. Nubia uses creative engaging methods to teach the children. His church provides a Feeding Center for the children of his community. They are presently providing a meal to 50 children, five days each week. Many of these children are involved in the church's after-school program. Reynaldo and Nubia have two children that are leaders in their church.
Pastor Ramon Lopez | Iglesia De Dios PentecostalPastor Ramon and his wife, Justina, moved from Ocotal in Northern Nicaragua to serve in this church.They have adult children and grandchildren that still live in Ocotal. They have served as pastors for many years and have planted thriving churches in other communities. Pastor Ramon has exhibited outstanding leadership in the Leon church and community. He has a heart for youth ministry with strong Christian leaders in place. Pastor Ramon also oversees a Compassion School at his church that serves over 270 impoverished children from their community.
Pastor Yader Orellana | Iglesia Roca EternaUpon arriving at his church, you are immediately drawn to his smile and joyful outlook. As Pastor Yader speaks of God's blessings to his community and his church, you sense his dedication to humbly serve the families there. His small congregation is growing and they are filled with his spirit and zeal to continue to expand. Pastora Fanny is reaching out to the children in the community with a feeding center that nourishes the the children spiritually and physically. Some of his major concerns are the presence of drugs in his community and his desire for healthy marriages. Pastor Yader has four children and three grandchildren.
Pastor Isaias Marquez | Comunidad Cristiana TelicaPastor Isaias was discipled in Communidad Cristiana in Leon. He is currently serving as the pastor in the church in Telica. His passion for Christ and his church overflows. The church provides many opportunities for their community which includes a feeding center, an after school program, women's ministry, youth activities, and men's groups. Small groups meet in homes to reach others for Christ. Isaias has two children.
Pastor Pedro Rostran | Iglesia Evangelica Arca de NoéPastor Pedro Rostran is a pastor and an attorney, who has been ministering to people for more than 20 years. Pedro and his wife, Maria, are humble people of God with hearts to serve Him and others. They are reaching out to their community with a feeding center for 25 needy children. Pastor Rostran also enjoys using youth activities and street campaigns to reach people for God. Pedro is strong in the Lord and he enjoys weekly pastoral meetings. God has blessed this pastor with five beautiful children.
Pastor Marcus Ramos | Iglesia Reina CanoPastor Marcos received and answered God's call to preach the gospel. He started Iglesia Reina in a community that was plagued with alcohol and drugs. He and his wife,Reina, are reaching out to this troubled community through youth activities, feeding children on Sundays, and marriage seminars. His wife has a heart for reaching out to the women in this community. The 70 or so church members came to Christ for the first time in this church.
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